Analyzing Grammar – An Introduction, Paul R. Kroeger, år


🏷️ 95 kr.

📍 1663 København V

Opdateret: 24.03.2024 10:54

Meget fin stand – der er skrevet navn på fribladet og ca. 40 sider har enkelte grønne highlight-overstregninger / noter skrevet med blyant, men ellers er de resterende sider rene og pæne uden noter, understregninger e.l. Hæftet indbinding, 1. udgave, 6. oplag. Udgivet i 2005 af Cambridge University Press. 380 sider, illustreret. Beskrivelse af bogen: Covering both syntax (the structure of phrases and sentences) and morphology (the structure of words), this book equips students with the tools and methods needed to analyze grammatical patterns in any language. Students are shown how to use standard notational devices such as phrase structure trees and word-formation rules, as well as prose descriptions. Emphasis is placed on comparing the different grammatical systems of the world's languages, and students are encouraged to practice the analyses through a diverse range of problem sets and exercises. Bogen kan sendes med DAO / Instabox for kr. 40,-
  • Title: Analyzing Grammar – An Introduction
  • Author: Paul R. Kroeger
  • ReleaseYear: 2005
  • Issue: 1.
👨‍💼 Lars T.

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